We’ve reviewed your submission and we want to see more.

Breaking Sound showcases are curated, and we want you to be ready to join us.

For artists like you we wanted to create a tool that provides insight and resources to get your artist project to the next level.


ProReview is a service we built for artists like you in mind.

Advice and guidance from the right places can be life-changing.

When it comes to the music industry finding the right feedback and support can be a nightmare.

That’s where we come in.

Simply put, ProReview is a deep-dive look at you as an artist by industry professionals.

We’ll look deep into 3 main areas.

Songwriting and Mastering
Social Media Presence
Stage Presence / Persona

Our team will generate a personalized plan just for you with scores and feedback for each of those specific areas.

There are best practices to follow for so many things and we’re here to identify what’s you’re doing great, and what things you may want to work on.

A score is just a score, but with our actionable resources for each section - you’ll have the next step to take on.